2024 Fezile Dabi Noord Jeugkrieket 

Teen Thabo Mofutsanyana Distrik

Baie geluk aan die volgende Fezile Dabi Noord seuns van Vaalpark Primêre Skool, met hul uitmuntende sportmanskap, tydens hulle onderskeie wedstryde teen Thabo Mofutsanyana Distrik, wat hier in ons tuisdorp plaasgevind het.

Niel Venter 13A
106 lopies van 80 balle
SR 132.5

Zian Jacobs 11A
96 runs van 106 balle
SR 90.6

Faf Derksen 11A
100 runs van 91 balle

Congratulations boys! 


Teen Lejweleputswa

Baie baie geluk aan die volgende Fezile Dabi Noord seuns van Vaalpark Primêre Skool, met hul uitmuntende sportmanskap, tydens hulle onderskeie wedstryde teen Lejweleputswa, te Welkom.
Onderskeidelik is daar 18 seuns van ons skool betrokke by die Fezile Dabi Noord Jeug krieketspanne.

Rohan Rossouw 11A
174 lopies van 118 balle
30 4’s
SR 147.5

Lehan Cronje 11A
58 runs van 43 balle
SR 134.9

Hanrico Cronje 13A
71 runs van 61 balle


2024 Vryheidsmonument se T10-toernooi

Vaalpark Primêre Skool het aan Vryheidsmonument se T10-toernooi deelgeneem. Uitstekende skole van die vaaldriehoek, asook die Oosrand het deelgeneem. Congratulation to the u/11A and u/13A cricket teams that won the final on Friday! Good luck with the upcoming league matches!  

2023 Cricket Sedibeng League

Congratulations to the u/11A cricket team who won the Sedibeng league! What a great performance and exquisite sportsmanship!
Ons is super trots op elkeen van julle! Hou die Valie naam hoog!


2023 Yearly Cricket Tour 

The u/13 and u/11 cricket boys had a blast at the yearly cricket tour, held at Camp Discovery. Uitstekende geleentheid en voorbereiding vir hierdie spelers, vir die opkomende krieketliga in die 3de kwartaal.


2022 Regional Cricket 

Congratulations to Arkupal Dutta, Waldo McLean and Hanrico Cronje who played at their various Regional Cricket weeks. Vaalpark Primary is very proud of your excellent performance.
Hanrico Cronje was identified as the best bowler of the u/11 week. What an amazing achievement! Vaalpark is extremely proud of you!


2022  Free State Cricket Teams

Congratulations to the following boys who were selected to play for the various Free State Cricket Teams:

Hanrico Cronje U/11A
Waldo McLean U/13A
Arkupal Dutta U/13 B

Good luck for the matches that lie ahead.
Vaalpark Primary is very proud of your achievements.


2022  Fezile-Dabi Streekspanne 

Baie geluk aan al die krieketseuns, wat vir die onderskeie Fezile-Dabi- streekspanne gekies is. Baie sterkte aan al die spelers, wat die vakansie, vanaf 30 September tot 2 Oktober, aan die Vrystaat- Krieketweek, in Sasolburg, gaan deelneem. Congratulations to all the cricket boys that were selected for the various Fezile Dabi teams. Good luck to those boys who are participating in the Free State week, in Sasolburg, from 30 September - 2 October. We know that you Wil carry Vaalpark's banner with pride!

u/11 A:
N Venter, A vd Merwe, L Cronje, H Cronje, J Kellerman
S Govender, J Pretorius, Z v Zyl, H v Rensburg, L Miya, H Stokbroekx, M Rademan
J Venter, D Hartman, A Dutta, R Smith, A Ziegelaar, W Mclean
N Bower, Z Mitrovic, H Stoop


Contact Information


Tel:  (016) 971 2012

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