Moms who care” prayer group

“Mammas wat omgee” gebedsgroep

Die gebedsgroep kom elke Vrydagoggend om 07:30 tot 9:00 by die skool bymekaar om gebedsversoeke van kinders en personeel te hanteer. Indien die Here dit op jou, as mamma, se hart lê om betrokke te raak, is jy welkom om in te skakel.

“Moms who care” prayer group

The prayer group meets every Friday morning at 07:30 to 9:00, at the school to deal with prayer requests from children and staff. If the Lord puts it on your heart, as a mom, to get involved, you are welcome to join.

Kontakpersoon/ Contact person:

Charmaine Kriek

083 785 2585

Contact Information


Tel:  (016) 971 2012

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